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A Tasty Interview with Cindy Dorminy, Author of The Foster Wife

Welcome Friends!

One of my besties and CPs (critique partner) has another book baby in the world today! In order to celebrate its release, we're doing another silly interview. Enjoy! (Then pick up a copy of this fun read!)

The Interview:

1. Amelia fosters men and dogs. What sort of dog breed would Phin be and why?

Funny you should ask because this is a discussion Phin has with Amelia and he was NOT amused at her answer. It was a poodle, but you’ll have to read the book to find out why.

2. And to be thorough: what kind of dog would Amelia be and why?

Amelia would definitely be a Golden Retriever. She’s loyal, sweet, and everyone loves her.

3. Phin is a fantastic chef and makes fun sandwiches in his food truck. If the tables were turned and Amelia ran a food truck, what kind of food would she serve and why?

Knowing Amelia, her food truck would be for animals so it would be full of homemade dog treats and tons of little water bowls all over the ground.

4. Phin is a bit of a musical know it all, too. Is there a song that best represents the struggles Phin and Amelia face in getting together?

Not to give anything away, there is one song that completely represents their relationship and it’s one of the trivia questions he asks her. Hint: The song is on the is “Wheels are Turnin’” album.

5. Giving rewards is a big part of dog training. What are Phin’s favorite rewards/treats? And Amelia’s?

Phin’s biggest reward is his music. And since a reward for winning a bet is a big part of the story, I’d say he would think a vintage guitar would be the best reward of all – before he met Amelia, of course. Amelia’s treat is helping others. Her family’s traditional celebratory treat is going to a pie shop called Three Point One Four. If you know, you know!

6. Phin’s food truck is called PB and Js. You can’t make PB and Js without peanut butter and jelly. Between Phin and Amelia, who is the peanut butter and who is the jelly? Don’t forget to say what kind of jelly he/she is!

Phin is definitely the peanut butter – smooth, of course! Amelia has to be strawberry jelly. She’s sweet and she feels like home.

7. All dogs have certain ticks or bad behavior tendencies. What are Phin’s? And Amelia’s?

Phin’s bad habit is that he’s easily distracted by the shiny item right in front of him. Amelia likes to please people to a fault.

8. Serious question: Your books tend to come in threes… any chance Foster Wife is the first of a new series? If so, who are we following next?

That is a very good question. I never wrote any of my books with the thought of them having companion novels. They all just kind of happened that way. I’ve had reviewers suggest which couple would be good for the next story and that’s always fun to run with. For Foster, who knows? If you have suggestions, send them my way!

9. You knew it was coming: is Phin a boxers or briefs guy?

Briefs!! He’s a tighty whitey kind of guy – no frills and very reliable where it counts.

10. Oh no! Another pandemic breaks out. How will Phin and Amelia stay safe and steamy at the same time?

They would only eat from his food truck and spend all of their time holed up in the apartment watching concert videos and trying to best one another with music trivia.

Get your copy of The Foster Wife here!

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